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408 Queen Street


Appointments also available in Coromandel and Colville

Tel: 027 403 8026



 This course will teach you the method, to use yourself, that reduces impact pressure into the pelvis of the cow.  Impacts into the pelvis happen on a regular basis and by keeping this pressure to an optimum, blood flow into the pelvis is correct.  Thus the benefits of knowing this method may improve the above conditions.  This is  a 1 day foundation level course highlighting the uniqueness of the bovine and the farming environment.  Participants need to bring suitable wet weather clothing and gumboots.  




COST:        $150 + gst

VENUE:      M & J Morrissey, 185 Bond Road, Matatoki THAMES.  Tanker No: 75622

INSTRUCTORS:  Jo Vickers & Lisa Gruythuysen 

Bookings are essential. Registrations to Lisa 0274038026 or email




This course is designed for the part-timer on the farm who's main job is to rear the calves.  It will teach you the basic method and then how to apply it to the Bovine, and the Humans in your environment.  It will teach you techniques to help maintain the health of, and the efficiency of, your busy farming unit.

Tea & Coffee are provided, please bring your own lunch, and suitable wet weather gear & gumboots, as part of this course is in the dairy shed.


VENUE:   To be confirmed 


COST:     $150 per day (+GST)

INSTRUCTORS;  Jo Vickers & Lisa Gruythuysen

Bookings are essestial. Registrations to Lia 0274038026 or email

PLEASE  NOTE;  The above courses can be run at other locations with a minimum of 10 people attending.  And all courses are seasonal to accommodate the farming environment.  


One on one on farm bovine training


This course is available year round and held on your farm, with your cows and at your convenience.

Cost      $250 ( plus $100 per additional person, up to a max. of 3) +GST. (Travel negotiable)

Registrations to Lisa Gruythuysen 027 403 8026




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